Geological Weather
Lately I’ve been exploring the geography of imagined geological spaces, stone horizons and underground caverns made of wasp nest paper, the melting ice lake of the heart, while listening to a sound from far, far away. All of this occurs in a candle light phosphorscent glow of comfort.
I’m enjoying mixing many ingredients such as ash, stucco and walnut ink creating unusual textures reminescent of weather and nature
Curious and Curioser
Curious and Curiouser
“The job of art is to break something and make it weirder”
-Amy Silman
Divisions of space
landscape proportions,
by quarters, by thirds,
or by above and below
The known sense of background and foreground
Shapes with quirky qualities.
Suspended, or lifted on stilts
often awkwardly tilted
Connected to others
by a pole or intersection
Moons rising in halves, never full
Eggs developing a flat edge over time
Conversing by touch or travel.
Divided while remaining whole
Atmosphere resulting from simplifications and submersions
Allusions to boats, sails, vessels, cups, lights, stools, eggs, portals, razor blades, containers, domes, architecture and modern furniture
clutter calmed, sacrifice made,
history created by submersion
The MA (Japanese Buddhist term for emptiness) sings silently
locating the place of rest.
black and straight connections, but also submerged, vertical or diagonal.
painted with a brush, pallet knife, pencil or crayon.
Alternating crisp edges and smeared connections
Spontaneous drawing travels desire lines and crosses boundaries.
Where balance and imbalance, geometric and organic agree.
Begin with black
then move to three grays,
khaki, olive & ocher with a little peek of orange
Opaque spread like icing, or thin and glazed across
The color contributes to the MA.
Mist and mystery materialize.
The players speak the language
Diebenkorn wrote to himself on a painting…”Take a look Dick, this is the formula.”